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Explore our free teaching resources to help enrich curriculum subjects and connect human crisis with human kindness.
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Age: 10 - 19
Type: Quick activities
Subjects: PSHE, Tutor time
Explore how communities are taking action in the aftermath of the floods in Spain.
In the news (Newsthink)
Age: 11-16
Type: Lesson plan
Subjects: PSHE, Tutor time
Discussion activities looking at the monsoon season in the camps in Bangladesh.
Age: 11-19
Type: Teaching package, images, videos, case studies
Subjects: Geography
Explore how individuals and communities prepare for and respond to life-changing natural disasters and learn how the Red Cross helps communities recover and build resilience.
Age: 7-19
Type: Teacher briefing
A handy glossary of some of the words that commonly appear in our online teaching resources.
Age: 5-11
Type: Lesson plan
Subjects: PSHE, Geography
Introduce young learners to the concept of emergencies and being prepared.
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