Care Quality Commission ratings

See ratings and reports for British Red Cross services.

Care Quality Commission ratings and reports

Some of our health services in England are rated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

You can find out more about the CQC on their website at

You can see ratings and reports on our community crisis support service in Nottingham, and reports for our ambulance services in Newcastle and Paddock Wood, Kent, below.

Community crisis support service, Nottingham

Graphic that says: "Care Quality Commission, Community Crisis Support Service, Nottingham. CQC overall rating: Good. 30 January 2020. See the full report."

The Community crisis support service provides personal care to adults in their own homes in the Nottingham area.

It was rated on 31 January 2020 and the overall rating was Good.

Visit the CQC report page and download and report. 


Ambulance service, Newcastle

This service provides urgent provides urgent and emergency care in north-east England, primarily in County Durham, Teesside, Northumbria and Cumbria. 

It was inspected and a report published in May 2018. At that time, the CQC regulated independent ambulance services but did not have a legal duty to rate them.

Visit the CQC page and download the report


Ambulance service, Paddock Wood

This service provides urgent provides urgent and emergency care in south-east England, primarily in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

It was inspected and a report published in May 2018. At that time, the CQC regulated independent ambulance services but did not have a legal duty to rate them.

Visit the CQC page and download the report