Commission, partner and collaborate with British Red Cross health and care

Learn how we work with health and care systems.

Why British Red Cross?

  • Over 75 years’ experience working with the NHS.
  • Strong track record of delivering positive impact and improved health outcomes.
  • Rapid implementation of services.
  • UK-wide infrastructure.
  • Regulated care provider.
  • Co-design bespoke provision.
  • Integrate with NHS and social care pathways.

Contact us

How we work

Learn more about how we work and our impact by downloading our health prospectus or watching the video.

Quality reports

Review the inspection reports to find out what our regulators think about our health and care services:

Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)

PSIRF sets out the NHS's approach to building effective systems for responding to patient safety incidents

Hospital at home

This approach allows patients to receive hospital-level care from their own home while freeing up hospital beds.

Our discovery project identified inequality in access and support for this mode of healthcare.

Our impact

Ambulance icon

95% of NHS staff agreed assisted discharge improved patient flow.

A & E hospital icon

58% reduction in accident and emergency department attendance.

House icon

92% of home visits carried out within four hours of referral.

Assisted discharge

  • 97% of NHS staff agreed the service had a positive impact on facilitating quicker discharges.

High intensity use

  • 71% reduction in ambulance conveyance.
  • 67% reduction in non-elective admissions.

Accident and emergency department support 

  • 77% of NHS staff felt that the British Red Cross made a significant contribution to improving patient flow in the department, reducing delayed transfers and discharges.
  • 87% of NHS staff felt that the service made a significant contribution to freeing up their time and improving their wellbeing.

Trusted assessors

  • 94% of people visited by the British Red Cross did not subsequently require a home visit from an occupational therapist.
  • More than 70% of referrals received were visited at home within 1 hour of referral.