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Ukraine one year on: the Red Cross Red Crescent's response

Since the escalation of conflict in Ukraine over a year ago, the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement has reached more than 14.5 million people with vital support

How the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement has been helping in Ukraine

Last updated 7 June 2023


It’s been over a year since news first broke of the violence escalating in Ukraine. Since then, millions have fled the country, forced to leave homes, lives and loved ones behind.  

Thousands of people have died or been injured while countless hospitals, schools and homes have been destroyed as the conflict has continued. 


Our Red Cross responders in Ukraine

The Red Cross had been supporting people on the ground in Ukraine for years. As the violence escalated on 24 February 2022, Red Cross emergency responders were there and ready to support people as soon as it was needed. 

Whether providing clean water, maternity care or financial assistance to people in Ukraine, or supporting those who have fled to other countries including the UK, our emergency responders have worked tirelessly ever since. They will continue to be there for as long as they are needed in the weeks, months and years to come.

How your donations have helped our work

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, as well as the dedication of thousands of staff, volunteers and partners, the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement has so far supported more than 14.5 million people impacted by the ongoing conflict.

Across Ukraine and neighbouring countries, the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement has reached:  

  • 10.6 million people with improved access to clean water 
  • Over 1 million people with health support, including first aid, medical and mental health support
  • 1.2 million people with cash assistance, supporting families with basic needs, rental assistance, and shelter
  • 1.8 million people with shelter support
  • 800,000 people who have been supported on the move, at service points, or with transport and evacuation
  • Over 4,000 families, who have received news about the whereabouts of their loved ones. 


In total, 59 Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies and over 6,500 branches have been involved in the humanitarian response, including more than 124,000 volunteers. 


Support for people from Ukraine arriving in the UK

Here in the UK, the British Red Cross has helped over 50,000 people on arrival from Ukraine. As the country’s largest independent provider of services for refugees, we are proud to support anyone who has been forced to flee their home. 

Help has included emergency financial support, distributing pre-loaded SIM cards so people can stay in touch with loved ones, helping reunite people from Ukraine with their families, as well as providing a safe and friendly place to turn when it is needed the most. 


The Red Cross: the world's emergency responders

Right now, just as we are supporting people in Ukraine, Red Cross Red Crescent teams are on the ground responding to emergencies in 191 other countries across the world. The British Red Cross is part of this global Movement.

From helping people impacted by the devastating earthquake in Türkiye (Turkey) and Syria to supporting people living through the current food crisis in Sub- Saharan Africa, to helping people affected by flooding here in the UK, we get help to wherever it’s needed most.

Our neutrality and impartiality helps ensure we can reach those who need our help even in places that can be off-limits to other organisations. Our powerful emblems allow us to be a sign of hope and kindness for people during the darkest of times.

Together, we are the world’s emergency responders.

Our Disaster Fund

When disaster strikes, the first few hours are critical. Our Disaster Fund helps us to respond quickly and give people urgent help in the UK and overseas.


To find out more or to donate to our appeals that help people affected by specific emergencies, just follow these links: 

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