Even if you can’t be there, you have the power to help

Your kindness has helped our volunteers to be there for people when they need them the most  – whether it’s with a food or medicine delivery to someone who is isolating, or in the aftermath of an emergency

Last updated 28 March 2023

This year has been a difficult one for all of us in different ways.

And for many, this winter will be the toughest they’ve known. But you have the power to help.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to change lives across the country, our volunteers are there to provide comfort, support or a listening ear when it’s needed the most. And that’s thanks to the kindness of our supporters. 

Your donations help cover everything from essential supplies for elderly people who are self-isolating to the fuel in our emergency response vehicles and the personal protective equipment which is so crucial to keeping our teams safe.

Your kindness allows our teams to make welfare checks on vulnerable members of the community, making sure no one is left behind in the pandemic.

Our volunteers have been making regular visits to people who have lost their jobs, or who have been shielding and unable to get to the supermarket.

Since March, they have made more than 87,000 food deliveries and over 13,000 medicine drop-offs across the country.

Even if you can’t be there, you have the power to help someone through a personal emergency. 

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Support when it's needed the most 

Emmanuel dedicates any spare time he has to being a British Red Cross emergency response volunteer.

One day he might be making deliveries to a food bank, and the next he could be doing a food shop for a vulnerable person who is isolating.


“Going out and picking up shopping and delivering it to people and seeing that side of things is so great. Every little bit that you do, someone is going to benefit,” said Emmanuel. “People rely on these services so much, for whatever circumstances they're going through. If these services weren't there, it would be really difficult for them.”

“I really get joy from just knowing that someone is being helped,” added Emmanuel. “We’re battling with a virus and if we all do our bit to support each other through it, we can get through to the other side.”


When emergency strikes 

Sadly, even amid a global pandemic, other emergencies still happen.

In June, Maggie and Barry woke to a fire in their home.

Once safely evacuated with the fire brigade at the scene, they were put in touch with the British Red Cross.

“The chief fireman mentioned to us that the Red Cross were available and to be honest I didn’t know what he was talking about because I didn’t know what day it was,” recalled Maggie. “Around 6.30am this mobile campervan turned up and this wonderful lady got out and took over – she was absolutely amazing.”

That wonderful lady was Julia, one of our emergency response volunteers with 10 years of experience with the Red Cross.

“There was extensive damage to the roof of the property when I arrived, so they were stood in their garage and absolutely freezing,” said Julia.

As well as making calls to the couple’s insurance companies, Julia gave them both warm blankets, dry clothes and cups of tea while they took shelter in the campervan.

“She’d just said ‘Let me be practical, what can I do?’ said Maggie. “I think my head was a bit muddled, and she just sorted everything out. Both Barry and I have wondered how we would have coped without her.”


You have the power

It’s thanks to your kindness that Emmanuel and Julia can provide the invaluable care and support that they do.

You have the power to make sure that they – and all of our amazing volunteers – can be there the next time someone needs them the most.


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Even if you can’t be there, you have the power to help someone through a personal emergency. 

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