Secondary teaching resources

Our free teaching resources help young people aged 11 to 19 to examine the world around them from a humanitarian perspective and learn about topics related to the work of the Red Cross.

These curriculum-linked activities, session plans and teaching packages are ideal for subjects such as PSHE, Citizenship, Geography, History and informal learning time. Learners gain new perspectives, develop new life skills and develop understanding, values and critical thinking.

A group of more than 20 young people standing in a line outside the British Red Cross office in central London.

Age: 10 - 19

Type: Quick activities

Subjects: PSHE, Tutor time

Use this free teaching resource for secondary school students to help them build resilience whilst showing kindness to themselves and others.

  • Kindness
  • Disasters and emergencies

Age: 10-19

Type: Quick activities

Subjects: Tutor time, PSHE

Learn about the rules of war and how they apply to the conflict in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

  • Humanitarianism and the Red Cross
  • Disasters and emergencies
  • Newsthink
Woman cools down on a hot day with a bottle of water

Age: 7+

Type: Practical activity

Subjects: Science

Learn how to protect your health during soaring temperatures. Experiment with clothing materials and colours to see how they can help you keep cool.

  • Disasters and emergencies
  • Home learning resources
Bee pollenates flower

Age: 7+

Type: Practical activity

Subjects: Science

Struggling with eco-anxiety? Discover ways to connect with nature. Learn how to immerse yourself in natural surroundings, promote biodiversity and create habitats.

  • Disasters and emergencies
A fire engine and a British Red Cross emergency vehicle drive through a flooded road.

Age: 7+

Type: Practical activity

Subjects: Science

Learn why climate scientists monitor changing rainfall patterns to prepare for floods. Build your own rain gauge to measure rainfall and monitor changes in the weather in your area.

  • Disasters and emergencies
A thermostat in a window during a blazing hot day.

Age: 10-19

Type: Quick activity

Subjects: Geography, Tutor time, PSHE

Learn about the impact of heatwaves – in the UK and around the world – with this Newsthink resource. Explore how extreme heat affects individuals and communities.

  • Disasters and emergencies
  • First aid and the bystander effect
  • Humanitarianism and the Red Cross
A  graphic showing cartoon people and a drawing of a cloud with rain and a lightening bolt and weather together text

Age: 10-16

Type: Teaching resources

Subjects: PSHE, Geography, Tutor time

A toolkit for teachers to help students learn about weather and climate change impact. Equip learners with the skills and knowledge they need to prepare for and cope with extreme weather.

  • Disasters and emergencies
SOK calendar

Age: 7-18

Type: Activities

Keep children and young people entertained during the summer holidays with the summer of kindness calendar.

  • Kindness