Standard Chartered Bank

Standard Chartered Bank Partnership with the British Red Cross

Working together to tackle the impact of Covid-19

The pandemic has amplified inequalities around the world with people falling into extremely vulnerable situations as a result.

With Standard Chartered Bank’s support, Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies have been able to respond to communities’ changing needs during the peaks and troughs of Covid-19 cases.

From providing cash support to enable families to put food on the table, to addressing misinformation about the virus, National Societies have been working alongside affected communities to ensure their essential needs are met.

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International Federation Red Cross Community Support members hand over information to a woman.

Summary of our partnership

From May 2020-May 2021 Standard Chartered Bank supported 11 National Societies to help provide a holistic package of support to the most vulnerable communities impacted by Covid-19.

While each country’s situation is different, there were some similar priorities to meeting the needs in each community:

  • Health interventions to ensure that the vulnerable and hard to reach groups were supported.
  • Risk communication and community engagement to help people make informed decisions.
  • Supporting people's livelihoods.


The support of Standard Chartered Bank in 2020-2021 contributed to:

  • 67,754 people have been tested by National societies for Covid-19
  • 175,962,656 opportunities for people to access guidance on how to protect themselves and their communities
  • 1,545 health facilities have been supported
  • 601,653 people received emotional support
  • 4,037,321 people received food and other in-kind assistance
  • 304,469 people made vulnerable by Covid-19 received cash and voucher assistance
  • 99,784 comments from the community were collected to guide future support.