AstraZeneca partnership
Delivering humanitarian aid to people affected by conflict and violence in Nigeria.
AstraZeneca, the global pharmaceutical company, supports the British Red Cross to help those affected by conflict and violence in the Lake Chad region of Nigeria.
Together, we to improve access to quality treatment, when people they need it most.
Conflict in north-east Nigeria has spilled across borders into neighbouring Cameroon, Niger and Chad.
More than 2 million people have been forced to flee their homes in search of safety.
AstraZeneca and the British Red Cross are supporting some of the most vulnerable communities in the world to become more resilient to respond and recover from the crisis.
Find out more about how we support people caught up in the Lake Chad crisis.
The history of our partnership
For over a decade, AstraZeneca and the British Red Cross have been working in partnership.
Strengthen resources
We established a new disaster response centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to strengthen the Red Cross’ emergency response operations in the Asia Pacific region.
Respond to emergency appeals
In 2014, AstraZeneca responded to our Ebola Crisis Appeal to help people caught up in the outbreak in West Africa. With their support, the Red Cross was able to support 23 million people living in affected communities across Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia.
In 2019, AstraZeneca provided additional support in response to the 10th and largest Ebola epidemic the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has ever seen.
Borno state, Maiduguri, Nigeria, Teachers Village camp for internally displaced persons. This man lives with his family in a makeshift shelter. He came to the camp with his wife, eight children and elderly mother from Cross Kauwa, a village more than 150 km north-east of Maiduguri.
Conakry, Guinea. Campaign to help people learn about the Ebola outbreak and spraying with insecticide carried out by the Red Cross Society of Guinea (CRG) with support from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
The Mass Sanitation Module is so important in providing immediate emergency response assistance. Its specialised personnel and equipment are able to give immediate support overseas when the local capacity to respond is overwhelmed. Our roster of vetted and trained personnel are ready to be deployed anywhere in response to international emergencies (natural disasters, conflict or smaller-scale emergencies).BEN WEBSTER, HEAD OF EMERGENCIES, SURGE AND TECHNICAL ADVISORY, BRITISH RED CROSS
The Emergency Response Unit (ERU) is self-sufficient and almost always hands over to the host National Society after four months, the maximum length of an ERU deployment. After this, unit team members return home and the activities are carried on by local staff and volunteers, using the skills, training and equipment that the ERU was able to transfer to them. The project’s sustainability depends on this transfer, and the Red Cross’ network of volunteers all across the world.
Thank you AstraZeneca for supporting our latest deployment to Uganda.
- AstraZeneca and the British Red Cross have reached over 3 million people with TB education and awareness
- 19,000 refugees in Uganda have been supported with sanitation, hygiene services and health information
- Supported with providing 4,000 shelter kits, 6,000 hygiene kits and 20,000 tarpaulins following the Nepal Earthquake response in 2015.
Yumbe district, Bidi Bidi refugee settlement, South Sudan. Two South Sudanese refugees pose with their sister-in-law and their grandmother. They just have been reunited with their family.
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