Whitewin House Garden

Visit Historic Whitewin House standing in one acre of formal Victorian Garden over looking the Firth of Clyde and Aisa Craig.

Whitwin House

19 Jul 2025 to 17 Aug 2025


Entrance fee:
Adults £5, children free
2pm - 5pm
Garden Owner:
Ms Linda Finnie & Mr Graeme Finnie
Important information:
Please see below for dates to visit the garden

For all enquiries, please get in touch with us by email opengardens@redcross.org.uk

Why visit Whitewin House garden?

Home of international Mezzo-Soprano Linda Finnie, Whitewin House Garden is fortunate in having a prime position in Golf Course Road having been the first house built there, standing majestically overlooking the Firth of Clyde, Ailsa Craig, Arran and Kintyre Peninsula.

Whitewin House Garden was encouraged to apply for Garden of the Year in May 2022, following an invitation by a representative from More 4 Television.

Whitewin House Garden is a form of 'Art in Gardening'.

You can visit the gardens on the following dates:

The garden can be visited each Saturday and Sunday on the following dates:

19/07/25 - 20/07/25

26/07/25 - 27/07/25

02/08/25 - 03/08/25

09/08/25 - 10/08/25

16/08/25 - 17/08/25  

Opening by arrangement between Monday 21/07/25 until Sunday 31/08/25, please contact Lafinnie@hotmail.com


Your visit helps people in crisis

The Red Cross helps people in the UK and across the world get the support they need in an emergency. With Open Gardens, you'll be raising funds for this important work.

Event information

Whitewin House 
16 Golf Course Road 
KA26 9HW 


Approaching Girvan from the North on the A 77 the turn into Golf Course Road is on the right hand side of the road, before the town centre. Approaching Girvan from the South on the A77, drive through Girvan, turn left at the lights and then first left following sign for Golf Course. 


  • Refreshments - Homemade Teas and Coffees available £4
  • Limited wheelchair access
  • Toilet facilities
  • Parking - Parking Front and Back of Golf Course Road and small car park at the Bottom