the Big Lottery Fund
Our work with The Big Lottery Fund
Support at home volunteer helping man in garden.
Funding from the National Lottery allows the British Red Cross to help vulnerable people.
Since 2012, The Big Lottery Fund has given £10.6 million to support our work. These funds have allowed us to:
- help older people remain independent at home
- tackle loneliness and social isolation
- support and protect refugees.
Our Big Lottery Fund partners
We’ve worked with many partners to deliver Big Lottery Fund projects. These include:
- Asylum Aid
- Praxis
- Positive Action for Refugees & Asylum Seekers (PAFRAS)
- Refugee Action
- Asylum Link Merseyside
- City of Sanctuary
- Revive
- Rainbow Haven
- Open Door North East
- Methodist Asylum Project
- Justice First
- Citizens Advice Reading
- Host Sanctuary Oxford
- Multi-Faith Centre/Upbeat Communities
- Scottish Refugee Council
- Workers’ Educational Association (WEA)
- Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex and London (RAMFEL)
- Age UK Gloucestershire
- Cruse Bereavement Care.
If you represent a charitable trust or a statutory funder and want to find out more about our work or to make a donation, please contact Sophie Kosky-Hensman.
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