Dr Karan's coronavirus vaccine story and experience

Influential doctor Dr Karan Raj tells us about his experience working in the NHS and getting a Covid-19 vaccine

Dr Karan Raj is a doctor and influencer working in the NHS. He shares how his life and job has changed, his experience of getting the Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine and why he is working hard to combat misinformation.

dr karan raj story

How has your life changed during the pandemic?

Dr Karan explains how life has changed as a doctor during the pandemic.

“The shifts have become increasingly busy with traditional working practices completely changing, for example doing virtual clinics.”

Both myself & my colleagues have become mentally and physically fatigued at various points over the last year with very little, if any, leave taken!

What was it like getting vaccinated?

Dr Karan has had the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and is waiting for the second.

He describes his vaccine experience as very positive.

“[It was a] Very smooth process.” he says and added that although he had some side effects, “I had a sore arm for a few hours and I had muscle aches and a headache the next day,” he explains that a sore arm is normal for any injection into the muscles and that vaccinations trigger your ‘immune response’ which can cause headaches.

Understanding that these side effects are normal and why the body reacts like that helps Dr Karan feel confident and reassured, and he shares this information with the public to help them manage their worries.

What hopes do you have for the vaccines?

Dr Karan hopes that the vaccines will offer a route out of the pandemic and will contribute to a reduction in hospital admissions and deaths.

What would you share with others?

He wants to reassure those who might feel worried about the vaccine, that it is safe to have. He shares his knowledge with his followers on Tiktok to help combat misinformation.

It [the vaccine] has NOT been rushed and has been thoroughly tested with excellent results. It’s a big win for us.

He feels that understanding the facts empowers people to make confident decisions about the vaccines. For more facts about the vaccines look at our coronavirus vaccine FAQS.

What are your hopes for the future?

Dr Karan hopes for some return to normality as soon as he can. He hopes that the pressure on the NHS will ease and he can see his family again,

I hope to have a family barbecue as soon as the pandemic is over


Review and reflect

  • How has life changed for Dr Karan?
  • What hopes does he have for the future?
  • What reassurance does he want to give those who are worried?


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The views in this story are those of the interviewee. The British Red Cross recommends that you continue to practise social distancing after getting the coronavirus vaccine.

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