Climate change: we're here

In the UK and around the world, the Red Cross helps people prepare for, deal with and recover from the impacts of climate change. Working together, we can make a difference.

The Red Cross and climate change

Across the globe and here in the UK, people are feeling the effects of climate change. Extreme weather events are on the rise and heatwaves, droughts, floods and storms can have a devastating impact on people’s lives.

Recent heatwaves in Pakistan and India, Europe's devastating wildfires last year, and more extreme droughts and floods across parts of Africa make it clear. Climate change is contributing to, and worsening, emergencies around the globe, putting the health, homes, and livelihoods of people and communities at risk.

The Red Cross supports people through emergencies in 190 countries worldwide. This includes helping communities to prepare for extreme weather, so they can get ahead of climate disasters. We also support people to recover from emergencies when they happen and develop research and insight to keep communities safe.

Working together, we can make a difference.

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Climate change: what can we do to help

  • People and communities on the front line of the climate crisis should be at the heart of discussions.
  • We need real efforts to tackle losses and damages already faced by people on the frontline of climate change. Providing humanitarian aid alone is not enough.

Climate change in numbers

  • In the past ten years, 83 per cent of all disasters triggered by natural hazards were caused by extreme weather and climate-related events, such as floods, storms and heatwaves.
  • By 2050, Britain will be 50 per cent more likely to experience hot summers, and heat-related deaths could triple, reaching around 7,000 every year.
  • The number of climate and weather-related disasters has risen almost 35 per cent since the 1990s.
  • 93 per cent of people most impacted by climate disasters live in low resource countries that contribute the least to climate change. 

A snapshot of our work on climate change

Our climate change work supports people across the globe who are dealing with the impact of the climate crisis.

Myanmar: We supported 3,208 people to recover from crises caused or made worse by climate change.

Bangladesh: We helped over 31,000 people to adapt to the challenges they faced from extreme weather caused by climate change and recover from climate crises.

The UK: In 2021, the British Red Cross responded to 130 climate-related incidents in the UK, including flooding.

Namibia: We supported 1,000 farmers to adapt how they farmed, grow food and earn an income in the face of the changing climate.

Our commitment to climate change in the UK and overseas

Climate change affects everyone, but the impact is often worse for the people who have the least.

Standing in front of woods blackened by fire with their backs to the camera, an Australian Red Cross volunteer puts his arm around a woman as she lowers her head.

As the climate changes, so must we

With our local partners, we support people dealing with the impact of climate change, and those about to face it.

Women including a Red Cross volunteer pass sandbags to each other, surrounded by floodwater

Climate change is not a future problem

An IPPC report confirms that over 3 billion people live in areas vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Why climate change adaptation is so important

Over the past decade, 83 per cent of all disasters around the world were caused by extreme weather and climate-related events.
Richard Blewitt, executive director, British Red Cross

Our research on flooding preparedness in the UK heightens the urgency.

It found that in the UK, 73 per cent of people do not have a good understanding of the current flood risk to their home and area. Only one in seven know how to prepare for a flood.

It concludes that the UK is 'ill-prepared' to deal with flooding - made worse by climate change - despite 1.9 million people living in flood prone areas.

Together, we can raise our global ambition, and help people get ready for and deal with climate risks. Help us support those suffering most and support climate change action by donating today.

Our Strategic Climate Change Risk Assessment

Climate change is no longer a distant or solely international threat, climate impacts are already affecting the UK. As our climate continues to change, so too will the demand on our services. The frequency and severity of extreme weather events will increase due to climate change, and this can mean more call outs for our Crisis and Emergency Service. If we want to remain relevant, cost-effective, and continue to provide appropriate levels of support, we must adapt to our changing climate.
The Strategic Climate Change Risk Assessment for the British Red Cross Crisis and Emergency Response summarises what climate change means for the UK, the risks it could pose to communities across the nation, and the risks to our own Crisis and Emergency Response service. It presents the evidence for why we must take action to adapt to climate impacts and, combined with the UK Climate Adaptation Framework, will help inform our approach to climate adaptation on a national scale.