Corporate strategy

Our strategy for 2025-30

How we will increase our impact.

Here for humanity

Our Strategy 2030 will transform how the British Red Cross helps people in crisis.

It sets out how we will deliver our mission: ‘to mobilise the power of humanity so that people can prepare for, respond to, and recover from crisis’.

A photo of a female British Red Cross staff member talking to a member of the public.

Our goals for 2030

In the UK

We know that people and communities do not always get the help they need in a crisis.

In the UK we will focus on three urgent humanitarian causes:

In these areas we will help those who most need us by:

  • working directly with communities to deliver services
  • using our trusted voice to advocate for meaningful change


Across the globe

The British Red Cross is proud to be part of the world’s largest international humanitarian Movement.

Faced with the climate crisis and conflicts across the globe, we will support communities to become more resilient.

Our three international goals focus on:


Driving us forward

To make the biggest impact for communities and maintain the quality of our work, we will also look at how we work and what we do.

People are at the centre of our work

The British Red Cross has been helping the people who need it most for more than 150 years.

People are at the core of our Movement, working together to deliver the greatest impact through our Fundamental Principles.

It is your kindness and commitment that makes our work possible. Together, we are here for humanity.